Hello! I am currently a senior at MIT studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science and with a focus on Autonomous Machines through MIT's NEET program. I am also a Gordan Engineering Leadership Scholar which is a leader development program that focuses on being an effective member or leader of industry engineering teams. My dream is to make space robots. I also like medical devices, drones, additive manufacturing, autonomous control, and gesture controlled robotics. I have experience in many fields from the various projects I have completed. I want to keep creating cool projects, either because I find them aesthetically appealing or functionally so (sometimes both). When I'm not making robots or doing MIT work, I like playing basketball, making music, traveling, anime, going on seriously long walks (like across RI), hiking, and stargazing. I have lived in Australia and Colorado so talk to me about beaches or mountains and I'll say I've seen better.
If you would like to learn more about me, click on the icons above or contact me at zoro at mit dot edu